It’s been quite some time that this personal website was offline, and my old blog (here) was idle as well… but guess it was just time to get things going. Well, about me, my name is Ashveen Ram (link to my facebook profile) and am a passionate about photography. I don’t want to entitle myself anything (photographer, amateur, pro, fine art etc) but just that I love to take pictures of anything that interests me. Am not attached to any specific style but I love ultra wides in general. And above all, am based in the little island of Mauritius.

Self Portrait: Me, with Mamiya Twin Lens
Additionally I work full time in the Oracle and Accounting stuffs, with some hobby web development (freelance). For fun, I’m also a two-wheeler and I love riding. Unfortunately for the moment I’m still riding a chinese 125cc stuff but huh, better this than nothing. Hoping to move to a 200cc soon enough. Why not a 600 or more? Well, certainly for later.

Self Portrait: The Me, with old Zenit Camera
Also, i’ve added a ‘Reviews’ section to this website which deals with comparisons of all sorts without any prejudice but my personal judgement. Feel free to agree or disagree.
All my images are on sale as well. If you are interested in buying large formats of my images from either this blog or my instagram account just drop me a word with your interested image and I’ll get back to you asap!