Having just completed the servicing for my bicycle it was time to find a good opportunity to go out and have some fun riding and fortunately last Sunday (04/09/2016) the weather was calling out those adventurers we were. Arranged with my friend Idriss and we were to ride some off-road in the sugarcane fields of Medine till Albion, all along the coastline. Rendez-vous was set at 3h30pm and we met at Cascavelle – Moutain Bike (MTB) Ride from Medine to Albion!!!

We departed from Cascavelle and made our way towards the Medine Sugar Factory. Since it was Sunday and there was no activity in this area I doubt we would get into any issues crossing through. After the factory we reached the entrance to the sugar cane fields on the left and we followed the path towards a beautiful spot much known as ‘Bassin Vert’. Stopped for some quick snaps and got back on the saddle further towards the fields in the direction of Albion.

Stopped on a few occasions to admire the sea view and the waves crashing against the cliffs and again back on the saddle. The ride was a bit rough in some places with the mud having solidified in some sort of uneven patterns of the truck tires. I was too dormant from this activity, for almost 3 years, that I preferred to play low and ride slow in most parts. My buddy was enjoying himself differently but it was all fun.

At one point we even had to cross an unexpected stream by carrying the cycles! Following the path we ended at Club Med Hotel, and continued through the village of Albion. Soon after we were already at the Lighthouse were we ended our trip. It was too late to ride uphill back home and instead got the bikes transported back.

It was a super fun ride (though somewhat scary for me at places) and at the end of the day we were happy to complete a 26km trail for a start!
All images from GoPro.
Whole Track below: