If you haven’t read my previous drone post click here for the introduction, otherwise, point is am still feeling like a child who has just got his hands on his Christmas toy and who doesn’t go anywhere without it. May be I am exaggerating a little by this statement. The droning adventure still continues somehow, following my bucket list of places to visit or revisit again. Fact that I’ve visited many places in Mauritius since years and as I recently got my hand on a drone I’m having to visit the same places again just to get a different point of view. And also to check again I would say.
Droning at Eau Bleue Waterfall
The famous waterfalls of Eau Bleue well deserved a top view shot in my opinion and somewhere around end of April I seized the opportunity of a nice weather and visited Cluny again, perhaps for the 5th time, and I did aerial shots of all 4 waterfalls. The one in the picture is the last one. It is true that even from above these waterfalls look beautiful.

Drone Mauritius – Eau Bleue Waterfall Cluny
Droning at Medine
In the coming weekend, seeing that the weather was again favorable for drone usage, I headed towards Medine behind the Sugar Mill since I was eagerly trying to obtain the pattern of the sugar cane fields from above while the shadows revealed the irrigation circular path… and I was nearly spot on. And luckily the place I selected would also reveal part of the sea on one side, making a good contrast with the blue and the green.

Drone Mauritius – Medine Sugar Cane Fields
Droning at La Pointe & Montagne Jacquot
Not too far from my work place, I headed towards Pointe Aux Sables during lunch time in view to obtain the famous Montagne Jacquot from the air but got attracted also to a lonely fisherman with a yellow overall getting this catch of the day at the extreme edge of some rocks while a rough sea with strong waves were crashing against his feet. Wow, that was a long sentence!

Drone Mauritius – Pointe Aux Sables

Drone Maurtius – Montagne Jacquot
Droning at La Mecque – Bassin Vert
The usual trend followed and my next target was a place I visited quite severall times and which I love very much, the ‘perilous’ Bassin Vert near Medine. That day I headed through the cane fields as usual but God knows who dumped a lot of broken glasses in the path leading to that place. I had to leave my bike behind, continue the path for quite a while on foot! But I guess it was well worth what I obtained! A nice waterfall dropping in a natural pool right by the sea. Quite scenic indeed.

Drone Mauritius – Medine – Bassin Vert Waterfall
Droning at Case Noyale
On another afternoon, I was so eager to visit the Macondé Point at Baie du Cap after office hours (I end at 5pm!) but I neglected the fact that we are practically in winter and by the time I reached my destination it would have been dark already! I still didn’t give up on the trip but on the way I couldn’t resist the nice sunset view of Case Noyale, and decided to visit Macondé on another occasion. It was low tide and the sun was almost behind the horizon when I started flying.

Drone Mauritius – La Gaulette
Droning at Mare D’Albert
The week was practically over and on Friday night I prepared all my gears since I decided that tomorrow (Saturday) I will head towards Mahebourg to obtain something at sunrise, and sticking to my decision I woke up very early (before sunrise) and reached the waterfront just minutes when the sun was beginning to show itself at the horizon. Somehow I also noticed how strong the wind was on that day. Risking the take-off, I noticed that the drone’s stability was at stake and decided to land rather immediately. I gave up on the waterfront and decided to head back, but while I reached Mare D’Albert village I decided to do something creative in the sugar cane fields on the side.

Drone Mauritius – Mare D’Albert Sugar Cane Fields
Droning at Ville Noire & Mahebourg
During the week, still early morning, I headed towards Mahebourg again for another attempt of the waterfront, but this time I also added the Cavendish bridge on the list. The Cavendish bridge, named after the 19th british governor of Mauritius, Charles Cavendish Boyle, is the longest bridge of the island as of 2017 and links Mahebourg to Ville Noire. How would that look from above?

Drone Mauritius – Mahebourg – Ville Noire
Afterwards I headed to the waterfront and contrary to the last time, the wind was favorable to fly the drone and I roamed around at the waterfront. Unfortunately only when I got back at office that I realised I missed other shots I had in mind on that day… anyway, that would also be on another visit.

Drone Mauritius – Mahebourg Waterfront
Droning at Terre Rouge – Verdun exchange
The good thing of using a drone is that it also alters the way you think when conceiving creative shots and I wanted to try something with the road layout with some vehicles around, and the best place I could spot was the new exchange at Arsenal leading to the south of the island – the Terre Rouge Verdun Link road.

Drone Mauritius – Terre Rouge Verdun Exchange
That would probably be selfish from my part because I am actually documenting my drone posts only after my instagram posts, and the relativity would be somewhat odd since am grouping them by ten at least. I must admit that I’ve already done quite some lots of drone visits around but will write about them only after they are published on my IG little by little. Patience! Am having some nice things coming, including videos probably!