Commercial or recreational quad-copters/drones are certainly no longer such a luxury and many people are having fun with them in a way or another… and quite recently I got an older model of DJI’s Quad-copters, the Phantom 3 (The 4K Model) to play with from 75 Studio. Being a starter, I had to go through some training phase so that I could manage this ‘toy’ correctly and it wasn’t just a straight-out-of-the-box game. Having read the manual a couple of times, I believe it was the right moment to go out on the field and get things started. I chose a big empty place like Albion near the sugar cane fields of Medine to begin with.
Droning at Albion near Club Med
Being in between the Club Med hotel at Albion and the sugar cane fields, I had enough free space to send the drone up in the air and not risk wrong maneuvers and stressful in the beginning I manage to understand the real behavior of the quad-copter when it is up in the air. My first images of the surrounding area, the Club Med La Plantation d’Albion overlooking the bay of Albion and the lighthouse further away.

Drone Mauritius – Club Med Albion
Droning at Sable Noir Beach
On this same day in the afternoon I headed to Sable Noir Beach not too far from my work place and did a few shots that I already had in mind long ago before even having the drone… and it was now time to make theory a practice. Sunset over Pointe Aux Sables and La Tour Koenig.

Drone Mauritius – Pointe Aux Sables
From a top-view perspective I was eager to see how these two wrecked ship vessels looked from above. I also learned than this place is actually believed to be a ship burial ground and later on I could confirm this since in my next visit to the other end of this same place I could see silhouettes of at least 6 other ships sunk under water.

Drone Mauritius – Sable Noir Beach
Droning at Bain des Dames
Since I was yet in my learning phase, and I had no free days around, I had no choice to bring the drone with me to work and this day I left home much earlier and before reaching office I went to Bain des Dames beach to get some more views of one of my favorite place.

Drone Mauritius – Bain Des Dames Fishermen Boats

Drone Mauritius – Bain Des Dames Beach
During lunch time I again went to this same place but nearer to the Fort Victoria Station to obtain a top view of something I can’t really tell what it is. Most of my drone shots to say are planned shots and my long bucket list is yet fulfilled.

Drone Mauritius – Fort Victoria Station
Droning at Grande Riviere Old Bridge
After office hours I went to Grand River North west old bridge and flew over the region for a couple more shots. I always wanted to obtain this old bridge from above, just to see how birds see the world!

Drone Mauritius – GRNW Old Bridge
Droning at Pointe Aux Caves Lighthouse
The next day, again after office hours, I headed towards the Albion Lighthouse at Sunset to see what I could get and even though winter was approaching and the sun was down much quicker than expected I still flew off around. I liked the result though I missed a few other shot-ideas I had. Probably for another attempt!

Drone Mauritius – Albion – Pointe Aux Caves Lighthouse
This is Part 1 of my drone photography and I’ll be following my list from time to time to execute the other scenes I have in mind. Stay tuned for a Part 2 in the coming days…
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