I sincerely love dogs but unfortunately I cannot raise any due to lack of space at home and also that I might be the only one who cares about raising one, so, it’s a no for the time being. Somehow, I always enjoy petting and playing with it whenever I come across one; be it at a friend’s place or relatives. A good colleague of mine is a great fan of the Cane Corso breed type of dogs and his pair recently gave birth to some 8 little others of the same pure breed. If you never heard about this breed (Cane Corso), it is of italian origin and is rather friendly even though the physical appearance shows the contrary. One month later, after than these puppies grew in size, I went to visit them and do a photoshoot as well. I must admit… it was far more a difficult task that I imagined; they never stay still! Of the bunch, there is quite a variance among them in terms of colors and behaviour, and I much loved the grey one which at this young age has blue eyes! Gallery below…
Cane Corso Puppies